Designed to control and record changes in the concentration of polluting chemicals (PCS) in the air of the working area, in technological processes in order to protect the environment, ensure labor safety and optimize technological processes at hazardous facilities.
Continuous monitoring of MPC for only one harmful substance.
Determination of MPC for more than 200 substances.
Refers to explosion-proof electrical equipment and is intended for use in hazardous areas in accordance with the established explosion protection marking and conditions of use.
Explosion protection marking - 2Exe[ib]dIIBT4 X.

monitoring industrial elections
The environmental monitoring system, designed for industrial enterprises and environmental laboratories, is designed and manufactured according to the requirements of each Customer
At the same time, we guarantee full compliance with the requirements:
Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 2, 2021 № 400-VI
Federal Law № 39-FZ of March 9, 2021 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" of the Russian Federation"